Similar words: solar, solar energy, solar panel, solar power, solar system, solar eclipse, solar prominence, bear with. Meaning: n. a stream of protons moving radially from the sun.

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1 Some theorists even believe that solar wind particles hitting the atmosphere may trigger cloud formation.
2 Daedalus now points out that the solar wind is an exactly similar phenomenon.
3 Between the bow shock and the magnetopause the solar wind is greatly decelerated.
4 The solar wind loses its identity in the interstellar medium at a distance no less than that of the outer planets.
5 Kulcinski argues that the solar wind has implanted great quantities of hydrogen and helium into the lunar regolith.
6 When the solar wind is strong the magnetopause retreats to about 50 R J upwind.
7 Solar wind to shield Earth during pole flip New Scientist - May 2004.
8 Many photogenic auroras have been triggered from a solar wind stream that recently passed the Earth.
9 Once the transfer of energy from the solar wind abates , the flow of plasma into the inner magnetosphere slows, and ions are lost from the ring current more rapidly than new ones arrive.
10 But fortunately, most of the solar wind particles have been kept out of the Earth magnetosphere.
11 The final speed of the solar wind depends mainly on the maximum temperature in the corona.
12 Shielded from the buffeting of the solar wind, ions quietly leak out of the atmosphere.
13 The origin of the solar wind in the hot sun's outer atmosphere, the corona that well - known.
14 The phenomenon is produced by the action of solar wind on the atmosphere at Earth's Poles.
15 Solar wind: What you do there are a broom, I can sweep clean for you ... ...
16 What if you could generate your own solar wind with laser and particle beam technology?
17 The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust.
18 "When the solar wind blows out plasma it too causes a bubble: the heliosphere,[]" he explains.
19 The lunar surface also contains the light isotope helium-3, which is implanted in the surface by the solar wind.
20 It is true that the Sun emits helium-3 in the solar wind, and that in principle we could intercept it.
21 An obvious question is whether the surfaces of the asteroids might be rich in helium-3 implanted by the solar wind.
22 Eruptions on the Sun inject high-speed particles into the solar wind, and these can cause geomagnetic disturbances on reaching the Earth.
23 Lab testing is underway on a similar concept that would form a magnetic shield around a ship, protecting it from harmful solar wind particles.
24 The gas pressure eventually overcomes the force of solar gravity and the corona inevitably expands into space as the solar wind .
25 A continuous stream of charged particles , called the solar wind, impinges on the earth's magnetosphere.
26 The mass - loss includes the light radiation and solar wind.
27 This energy involves tons of charged particles, hurled our way in the so - called solar wind.
28 Physics of Solar System Plasmas provides a comprehensive introduction to the plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics that are needed to study the solar wind and magnetosphere.
29 Under certain condition of the interplanetary magnetic field, a portion of them can reach the shadow region which is usually considered to be devoid of solar wind protons.
30 The moon's lunar soil is chock-full of helium reserves, thanks to the solar wind.
More similar words: solar, solar energy, solar panel, solar power, solar system, solar eclipse, solar prominence, bear with, be at war with, be familiar with, polar, solace, isolate, scholar, isolated, desolate, polarity, isolation, wind, desolation, windy, fool around, consolation, consolatory, unwind, wind up, window, disconsolate, isolationism, scholarship.